Key Findings
Best practice (100% score)
Political liberties for political participation
Consultative bodies and implementation policies
Rights associated with family reunion
Security of nationality
Critically unfavourable (0% score)
Dual nationality
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The majority of Luxembourg's foreign residents are young, female migrant workers from other EU Member States (PT, IT, FR). Trans-frontier daily commuters also compose 40 percent of the workforce. Third-countrynationals (hereafter, migrants), only 5.5% of the population, are a mixture of high-skilled workers from North America, recognised refugees from the Balkan wars, former guest-workers, and their family members. One of the main aims of recent integration policies has been to promote the political participation of foreigners. Despite having the highest proportion of foreign-born residents of the 28 countries, Luxembourg has one of the lowest rates of naturalisation. New debates on the integration of foreign children in education and policies on multilingualism have emerged from Luxembourg's poor ranking in the OECD's Program for International Student Assessment (PISA).
Political participation is a definite strength for Luxembourg, which ranks third most favourable in the EU-25. However, the other five MIPEX strands on labour market access, family reunion, long-term residence, accessto nationality and anti-discrimination lie only halfway to best practice.
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Integration Policy Timeline
Government Commission for foreigners initiated discrimination awareness-raising campaign
Increase in voter registration for all foreign residents (1/9), yet only 1/20 for non-EU residents
Law adopted transposing two EC Directives on anti-discrimination after condemnation from the European Court of Justice in February and October 2005
Economic and Social Council (CES) recommended active integration policy with better and quicker procedures for work permits
Proposed law on nationality would allow dual nationality but make less favourable eligibility and conditions, involving Luxembourgish language test
Equality body not yet in place
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Migrant Profile