Most migrants in Norway must overcome unfavourable eligibility rules to become citizens, like in AT, DK and EE. Norway would meet best practice if the favourable rules enjoyed by Nordic citizens and refugees applied to all migrants. Currently, Nordic citizens must wait two years, refugees and stateless persons three years, and all other migrants seven out of the past 10 years. Also, children born to two migrant parents would became Norwegian at birth, just like all those born to one migrant parent can do since the new Nationality Act entered into force on 1 September 2006 (see box). Migrants can have their applications refused, or can be made to wait through an extra ‘quarantine period,' if they have been convicted of a crime, have been fined or been ordered to undergo psychiatric treatment. A decision to withdraw a Norwegian passport must take into account the citizen's personal circumstances, including whether they would become stateless. Dual nationality is only allowed for naturalising citizens who cannot renounce their original citizenship.