The Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) is a unique long-term project which evaluates and compares what governments are doing to promote the integration of migrants in all EU Member States and several non-EU countries. It uses over 100 policy indicators to create a rich, multi-dimensional picture of migrants' opportunities to participate in European societies.
This site presents the results of the second edition of the MIPEX, covering six policy areas which shape a migrant's journey to full citizenship.
Thanks to the relevance and rigour of its indicators, the MIPEX has been recognised as a common quick reference guide across Europe. Policymakers, NGOs, researchers, and European and international institutions are using its data not only to understand and compare national integration policies, but also to improve standards for equal treatment.
Building on its ongoing success, the MIPEX project is now entering its fifth year and third edition with a new policy strand and additional indicators. The MIPEX III results will be available from March 2011. To learn more about MIPEX III, click here to download the leaflet.
The second edition of the MIPEX, conducted in 2007, measures policies to integrate migrants in 25 EU Member States and three non-EU countries. It uses over 140 policy indicators to create a rich, multi-dimensional picture of migrants' opportunities to participate in European societies.
MIPEX uses the term ‘migrants' to refers to Third Country Nationals legally residing in an EU Member State. Unless stated, it does not refer to refugees or asylum seekers, irregular migrants, EU citizens exercising their free movement rights or EU citizens with immigrant origins.
MIPEX II covers six policy areas which shape a migrant's journey to full citizenship:
- Labour market access
- Family reunion
- Long-term residence
- Political participation
- Access to nationality
- Anti-discrimination
Best practice for each policy indicator is set at the highest European standard, drawn from Council of Europe Conventions or European Community Directives. Where these are only minimum standards, European-wide policy recommendations are used. Since policies are measured against the same standards across all Member States, MIPEX is a ‘benchmarking' tool to compare performance.
Browse the country profiles, or display maps and graphs for the data sets of your choice with the interactive mapping and charting function.
What's new with MIPEX III?
The third and latest edition will add a new policy strand on migrant education policy as well as additional indicators on implementation and the rights of third-country national workers. Bulgaria and Romania will be included ensuring that all current EU Member States are covered in the assessment, as well as Canada, Norway, Switzerland and the USA.
The new and updated data from MIPEX III will build the capacity of policymakers and stakeholders across Europe to use the indicators to evaluate integration policymaking. The project will:
Focus on the outcomes of policy changes
Bring together key national stakeholders and walk them through the process of using indicators to make prospective impact assessments of policy change
Present a joined-up approach to indicators for effective policy evaluation
Make it easier for policy actors, especially migrant organisations, to use the indicators themselves
Data will be collected and analysed in 2010 accompanied with national events of various shapes and sizes in 20 countries throughout 2011. The results will be published in print and on an interactive website and will be available from March 2011.