71.3% of Cypriots believe that ethnic discrimination is fairly widespread, and 61.9% believe that it is tougher for a foreigner to get a job, training, or promotion than an equally qualified Cypriot. Yet Cyprus is the onlycountry in the EU-27 where less than a third (29%) think more could be done in the fight against discrimination. 61.9% would deport all unemployed migrants - GR and MT are the only other EU-27 countries where a firm majority supports this idea. Nevertheless, 73.9% support positive action measures based on ethnicity in the labour market.
Cyprus is one of just four countries where only a minority (39.2%) believes that ethnic diversity is an enrichment. Cypriots were the least likely to know about a law punishing ethnic discrimination in the labour market (15.1%). A majority supports migrants' rights to reunite their immediate family in Cyprus and to have the same social rights as Cypriot nationals. Cypriots express the least support in the EU-27 (31.4%) for the idea that migrants should be able to naturalise easily.
See Eurobarometer 59.2 (2003) and "Special Eurobarometer survey on discrimination in the EU" 65.4 (2006)