Luxembourg - Political participation

Migrants who have lived in Luxembourg for five years can vote, but not stand, in local elections. Luxembourg obtained exemptions in the Maastricht treaty concerning municipal voting rights for EU nationals. Political liberties meet best practice in Luxembourg as in 21 MIPEX countries. Migrants are consulted by the state in a structured way through freely-elected representatives (see box). Luxembourg's already favourable implementation policies would improve with the adoption of a comprehensive national policy to inform foreign nationals of their political rights in lieu of its current reliance on ad hoc campaigns.

Luxembourg best on paper at consulting migrants
Luxembourg's consultative bodies came closest to best practice. By law, the national government and 95% of municipalities must consult their foreign residents in a structured way. Local and the national bodies are equally composed by foreigners and Luxembourgers. In any case the chair must be a Luxembourger: in the local body, a member of the municipal council, and in the national body, an officer of the Ministry of Family. Foreigners on local bodies are chosen by municipal council without election, on national level migrant organisations elect their representatives without state intervention. The transparency and effectiveness of these bodies has been questioned. Most local consultative bodies do not meet four times a year as required, but are not penalized by the national government. Indeed, the national government itself only rarely takes advice from its consultative body. Proposals and reforms to improve the legal framework have had little effect.

Results by strand

Luxembourg - Overview
Luxembourg - Labour market access
Luxembourg - Family reunion
Luxembourg - Long-term residence
Luxembourg - Political participation
Luxembourg - Access to nationality
Luxembourg - Anti-discrimination
Luxembourg - Public perceptions
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