Malta - Labour market access

Only long-term residents are eligible like EU nationals for employment and self-employment. All migrants in Malta have access to the same favourable procedures as EEA nationals to get their skills and qualifications recognised. Yet the state does little to facilitate the recognition of their skills obtained outside the EU. Besides one pilot project on language and life-skills training for asylum seekers, national policy targets on labour market integration measures are critically weak in Malta, as in AT, CZ, and PL. Those who find work enjoy security and rights that score halfway to best practice. They can renew their permit, but they automatically lose it if they lose their job. They also have to start the process all over again if they want to change their job, employer or industry.

Results by strand

Malta - Overview
Malta - Labour market access
Malta - Family reunion
Malta - Long-term residence
Malta - Political participation
Malta - Access to nationality
Malta - Anti-discrimination
Malta - Public perceptions
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