Norway - Political participation

In Norway, political participation is the strongest of the six areas of  integration policy measured by MIPEX. Best practice has been attained on electoral rights, as in four other MIPEX countries (see box) and on political liberties, as in 21. Oslo city government systematically consults migrants through their freely elected representatives. However, other levels of government consult migrants less regularly, and may not allow them to freely choose their own representatives. Implementation policies that get the third highest score in the 28, tied with DE and NL, inform migrants of their political rights through an active information policy. Migrant organisations receive funding from national government, the city governments of the two cities with most foreigners, and some regions.

Best practice on electoral rights
Since 1981, non-EU migrant residents of three years can vote and stand in local elections, without specialregistration. The number of immigrants in political office has steadily increased with each local election, especially in cities with a large proportion of migrants. Voter turnout among eligible immigrants remains low at 45%, compared to the national average of 78%. The government has consistently funded projects and campaigns to boost immigrant voter turnout in the election years of 1999, 2003, 2005 and 2007. 

Results by strand

Norway - Overview
Norway - Labour market access
Norway - Family reunion
Norway - Long-term residence
Norway - Political participation
Norway - Access to nationality
Norway - Anti-discrimination
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