The Portuguese express some of the highest support for equal social rights for migrants (69.3%) and for the right to family reunion (72.2%). 45.2% believe that migrants should be able to become Portuguese citizens easily. Six in ten Portuguese think diversity to be an enrichment, although a significant one in ten do not know. 32.2% did not know that ethnic discrimination in the labour market is illegal. Only 37.8% believe that Portugal is not doing enough to combat discrimination, although six in ten believe ethnic discrimination is fairly widespread. The population was divided on whether foreigners are treated unfairly in the labour market. At 85.9%, the Portuguese are the most supportive in the EU-27 of positive action measures in the labour market based on ethnicity.
See Eurobarometer 59.2 (2003) and "Special Eurobarometer survey on discrimination in the EU" 65.4 (2006)