Belgium - Labour market access

Migrant workers are eligible to take up a job in most sectors (excluding the exercise of public authority), just like EU nationals. Migrant entrepreneurs must fulfil a number of conditions, such as proving language ability, before they can start a business. Labour market integration measures do not include targets to reduce migrant unemployment or to improve their language and vocational skills. Although the government provides information about procedures for migrants to have their skills and qualifications recognised, guidelines are not set to ensure they are fair, timely and affordable. Migrants can also face conditions that limit their access to study grants and vocational training. If migrants do find work in Belgium, they enjoy a security of status and rights which meet best practice.

Results by strand

Belgium - Overview
Belgium - Labour market access
Belgium - Family reunion
Belgium - Long-term residence
Belgium - Political participation
Belgium - Access to nationality
Belgium - Anti-discrimination
Belgium - Public perceptions
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