Belgium - Public perceptions

Belgium is one of just five EU countries in which only a minority of the population (43.3%) supports equal social rights for legally-resident thirdcountry nationals. Like in seven other countries, one in four Belgians want all non-EU immigrants to be deported. Belgians are among the most likely, along with Swedes, Dutch and French to believe that discrimination based on ethnic origin is fairly widespread and worse than in 2001. They also believe that foreigners face unequal opportunities in the labour market. Only a slight minority (48.5%) believes Belgium is doing enough to combat all forms of discrimination. Two out of three support positive action measures based on ethnicity in the labour market.

See Eurobarometer 59.2 (2003) and "Special Eurobarometer survey on discrimination in the EU" 65.4 (2006)

Results by strand

Belgium - Overview
Belgium - Labour market access
Belgium - Family reunion
Belgium - Long-term residence
Belgium - Political participation
Belgium - Access to nationality
Belgium - Anti-discrimination
Belgium - Public perceptions
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