Denmark - Anti-discrimination

Migrants are protected by law from discrimination based on race/ethnicity or religion/belief, but they are not protected from discrimination based on nationality since it is not defined in the Ethnic Equal Treatment Act or the Employment Act. Differential treatment based on nationality is not covered in fields of life like employment or access to housing and healthcare, while case-law needs to confirm if criminal law covers direct religious discriminatio in social protection and advantages*. Anti-discrimination law is enforced through slightly weak mechanisms, since, for example, the equality body cannot help victims or stand in court on their behalf. Denmark's unfavourable equality policies rank second from the bottom after CZ, since the state does not have to make sure that its own legislation and public services do not discriminate, inform people about their rights as a victim, lead dialogue on anti-discrimination or introduce positive action measures.

(*A correction was made to this text Monday 22 October. Scores remain unchanged)

Results by strand

Denmark - Overview
Denmark - Labour market access
Denmark - Family reunion
Denmark - Long-term residence
Denmark - Political participation
Denmark - Access to nationality
Denmark - Anti-discrimination
Denmark - Public perceptions
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