The majority of Danes (62.8%) believe that non-nationals face unequal opportunities in the labour market. Danes are divided (49.4%) in their support of migrants wishing to reunite their families in Denmark. Facilitated naturalisation receives some of the lowest support in Denmark out of all the EU-27 countries (33.3%). However, Danes express comparatively strong support for equal social rights (68.7%) for legally-established immigrants from outside the EU. A majority of Danes, believing that discrimination based on ethnic origin is widespread and has increased, want more to be done in the fight against discrimination. A majority are not informed of current anti-discrimination legislation. Denmark is the only country of the EU-27 where a majority of the population do not favour labour market positive action measures based on ethnicity.
See Eurobarometer 59.2 (2003) and "Special Eurobarometer survey on discrimination in the EU" 65.4 (2006)