Over two-thirds of Finns support migrants' rights to reunite their families, while only one third believes migrants should be able to naturalise easily. Finns, with Danes and Swedes, are the least supportive of expelling migrants who are unemployed (17.1%). 52% support equal social rights for migrants, which is significantly lower than in SE or DK. Over two-thirds believe ethnic discrimination is widespread in the labour market. 68.7% want more to be done to combat discrimination. At 81%, Finns were the second most likely after Swedes to find diversity an enrichment. Finland was one of four countries (SE, NL, UK) where a majority (52.3%) knew that the law punishes discrimination in the labour market based on ethnicity. Finns were the most informed about their rights as victims of discrimination or harrassment, with just about a quarter claiming they did not know them.
See Eurobarometer 59.2 (2003) and "Special Eurobarometer survey on discrimination in the EU" 65.4 (2006)