Germany - Labour market access

A number of conditions limit a migrant's ability to start their own business, under the 2005 Residence Act. They must usually work for at least 5 years before becoming eligible for work in all sectors like EU nationals. Germany's labour market integration measures would achieve best practice if migrants had equal access as EU nationals to vocational training and study grants; and if the state helped them get their skills and foreign qualifications recognised fairly, quickly and cheaply. Best practice would be achieved on security of employment if workers could renew all but seasonal work permits, as is the case in 22 MIPEX countries. Migrant workers have rights halfway to best practice, since all can join trade unions but not all can change their jobs or professions under their work permit.

Results by strand

Germany - Overview
Germany - Labour market access
Germany - Family reunion
Germany - Long-term residence
Germany - Political participation
Germany - Access to nationality
Germany - Anti-discrimination
Germany - Public perceptions
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