Nearly half (48.1%) of Germans polled support migrants' right to reunite their families. Just under a third (32.7%) believes they should be able to become German citizens easily. Over a quarter of Germans believes that all non-EU immigrants should be deported, whilst 40.1% believes all unemployed migrants should be deported. Unlike in most of the EU-27, only a minority of Germans (45.2%) support equal social rights for legally-established immigrants from outside the EU. A slight minority (47%) believe that ethnic discrimination is widespread and a similar figure think that not enough is being done to combat iscrimination. Nearly two out of three support positive action measures in the labour market based on ethnicity. Only 29.4% knew that ethnic discrimination in the labour market is punishable by law.
See Eurobarometer 59.2 (2003) and "Special Eurobarometer survey on discrimination in the EU" 65.4 (2006)