Germany - Public perceptions

Nearly half (48.1%) of Germans polled support migrants' right to reunite their families. Just under a third (32.7%) believes they should be able to become German citizens easily. Over a quarter of Germans believes that all non-EU immigrants should be deported, whilst 40.1% believes all unemployed migrants should be deported. Unlike in most of the EU-27, only a minority of Germans (45.2%) support equal social rights for legally-established immigrants from outside the EU. A slight minority (47%) believe  that ethnic discrimination is widespread and a similar figure think that not enough is being done to combat iscrimination. Nearly two out of three support positive action measures in the labour market based on ethnicity. Only 29.4% knew that ethnic discrimination in the labour market is punishable by law.

See Eurobarometer 59.2 (2003) and "Special Eurobarometer survey on discrimination in the EU" 65.4 (2006)

Results by strand

Germany - Overview
Germany - Labour market access
Germany - Family reunion
Germany - Long-term residence
Germany - Political participation
Germany - Access to nationality
Germany - Anti-discrimination
Germany - Public perceptions
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