Greece - Long-term residence

To be eligible for a long-term residence permit, migrants may have to live and work in Greece for five years. Students can count half of their time studying, but refugees can never become long-term residents. Applicants must pass an integration test, pay a high procedure fee and prove health insurance and high economic resources. These conditions (see box), along with those for family reunion, rank third from the bottom, just above AT and FR. Long term residents are partially secure in their status under the law. Their permit allows them to leave Greece for up to six years. But the state can expel long-term residents, without taking into account many aspects of their personal circumstances. Even long-term residents who were born in Greece or have lived there for many years can be expelled. Rights associated have improved since 2004 (see box).

Conditions for long-term residence have worsened
The new Greek law to transpose the Long Term Residence Directive has lowered Greece's score since 2004. While the procedure is slightly shorter, it now involves a mandatory course whose numbers are capped by a maximum quota (some 500 per year). Applicants must then pass a high-level test on Greek language, culture and history, involving written multiple-choice and openended questions. The test itself is free, but the whole procedure costs 900 euros. Although the assessments do not take into account the abilities of the individual, migrants who have studied in Greece are exempt. For best practice, see country profile for Spain.

Better eligibility and rights for long term residence holders
The new Law shortened the residence requirement and guaranteed access comparable to that of nationals to social security, social assistance, housing, healthcare and the recognition of skills and qualifications. Greece would attain best practice on this dimension if access to employment was based on the principle of equality rather than priority for those of Greek origin.

Results by strand

Greece - Overview
Greece - Labour market access
Greece - Family reunion
Greece - Long-term residence
Greece - Political participation
Greece - Access to nationality
Greece - Anti-discrimination
Greece - Public perceptions
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