Greece - Public perceptions

47% of Greeks believe migrants should be able to naturalise easily. Greeks are some of the most supportive of equal social rights, family reunification and positive action measures for migrants out of all the EU-27. Half see diversity as an enrichment to Greek national culture. Yet 32.9% of Greeks would like to expel all legally-resident immigrants from outside the EU and 61% would expel all unemployed immigrants. Three in five recognise that foreigners face discrimination in employment, training and promotion. Similarly, 76.1% believe ethnic discrimination was fairly widespread in 2006, though less than half believe it worsened since  2001. Only 20.2% of Greeks knew that a law punished ethnic discrimination in the labour market.

See Eurobarometer 59.2 (2003) and "Special Eurobarometer survey on discrimination in the EU" 65.4 (2006)

Results by strand

Greece - Overview
Greece - Labour market access
Greece - Family reunion
Greece - Long-term residence
Greece - Political participation
Greece - Access to nationality
Greece - Anti-discrimination
Greece - Public perceptions
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