Hungary - Overview

Key Findings

Best practice (100% score)
Rights associated with labour market access
Fields of application for anti-discrimination law
Political liberties for political participation

Eligibility for family reunion
Anti-discrimination law, especially definitions and concepts and enforcement mechanisms


Eligibility for access to nationality
Eligibility and integration measures for labour market access

Critically unfavourable (0% score)

Consultative bodies and implementation policies for political participation

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Over recent years, Hungary has perceived itself as a country of transit for asylum seekers and irregular migrants on their way to Western Europe. Yet it has also received some of its own asylum seekers and migrant workers from Eastern and Southern Europe. The flows have been dominated by returning ethnic Hungarian minorities from neighbouring countries, and policy debates have focused on simplified visas and facilitated naturalisation for this preferred group. When Hungary joined the EU, its southern and eastern border became one segment of the EU's external border, prompting the development of a migration strategy. Although Hungary still lacks a declared integration policy, the current government initiated some debate on a legal and institutional framework, but later withdrew the proposal.

Hungary scores around halfway to best practice on labour market access, family reunion and long-term residence policies for legally-resident third-country nationals (hereafter ‘migrants'). Political participation and access to nationality scores are even lower. In contrast to these five MIPEX strands, anti-discrimination stands out as a definite area of strength and the third best in the 28 MIPEX countries.

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Integration Policy Timeline


Amendments to the Aliens Act transposed EC Directive on family reunion

Ministerial Decree 29 added names of refugees to the electoral roll without their knowledge

Immigration and Nationality Department established in Ministry of Justice and Law Enforcement

White Paper on Integration of Third-Country Nationals proposed legal and institutional framework and practical measures

Act on the entry and residence of third-country nationals adopted to transpose the EC Directive on long-term residents

Migration Strategy withdrawn after it was heavily criticised for being pro-immigrant, and leading to the dumping of millions of ‘Asian' immigrants

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 Migrant Profile

1 Eurostat (non EU-27, 01.01.2006)
2 OECD, SOPEMI, 2007 (all non-nationals and foreign-born nationals)
3 Eurostat (non EU-27, 01.01.2006)
4 Urban Audit (non EU-15)
5 Eurostat (non EU-15)
6 Office of Immigration and Nationality Statistics
7 Office of Immigration and Nationality Statistics
8 MPG, Migration News Sheet, April 2006
9 OECD, Education at a Glance, 2006 (non EU-25)
10 European Labour Force Survey (2006q2)
11 European Labour Force Survey (2006q2)
12 OECD, SOPEMI, 2007(includes EU nationals)
13 OECD, SOPEMI, 2007

Results by strand

Hungary - Overview
Hungary - Labour market access
Hungary - Family reunion
Hungary - Long-term residence
Hungary - Political participation
Hungary - Access to nationality
Hungary - Anti-discrimination
Public perceptions
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