Hungary - Access to nationality

Once migrants are eligible to apply under Hungary's unfavourable provisions (see box), only those who meet the income and criminal record conditions, and pass a basic oral test on Hungarian language, history, and literature can naturalise. The questions and study guide are free online. Migrants then have a security in their status halfway to best practice; they can only lose their nationality within ten years if they are found fuilty of having committed fraud to acquire it. Yet authorities are not obliged to take into account many aspects of their personal circumstances, even if withdrawal would lead to statelessness. Naturalising migrants are allowed to be dual nationals.

Second worst eligibility for nationality
Provisions for migrants to become Hungarian nationals are the second least favourable in the 28 MIPEX countries, tied with LV and PL. First-generation immigrants are generally eligible after eight years of continuous residence, whilst foreign spouses of Hungarians may have to wait up to six years, based on years of marriage and residence. In addition to being born in the country, migrants' children and grandchildren must fulfil additional requirements to become citizens of Hungary. For best practice see country profiles for Belgium and Canada.

Results by strand

Hungary - Overview
Hungary - Labour market access
Hungary - Family reunion
Hungary - Long-term residence
Hungary - Political participation
Hungary - Access to nationality
Hungary - Anti-discrimination
Public perceptions
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