Ireland - Long-term residence

Since the status of long-term resident does not yet exist in Ireland, migrants are eligible for similar work-based and discretionary statuses under the worst provisions in all 28 MIPEX countries, but they benefit from best acquisition conditions (see boxes). Their security to live in Ireland for the long-term is discretionary and entirely based on their security of employment. This makes migrants living in Ireland for the long-term the second least secure after LV. They can only stay if they meet the original conditions of their work permit. The state can choose to consider aspects of migrants' personal circumstances before deciding to expel them. But even children, people born in Ireland and those who have lived there for many years can be expelled. Migrants who live long-term in Ireland without becoming Irish citizens have the least favourable rights in the28 MIPEX countries (see box).

Fast-track for Green Card holders, slow-track for others, least rights for all
Regular workers must work and live in Ireland for two years to get a five-year renewable work permit. In that same time, green card holders can get
"permission to remain without condition as to time." For this, others must wait through eight years of residence. Time as a student or asylum seeker does not count. Once accepted, they will have equal rights as nationals to employment, but not to welfare benefits, healthcare and housing. And they can lose their right to live in Ireland once they retire. Unlike the UK, Ireland does not explicitly allow them to hold long-term residence permits in other EU Member States. For best practice, country profile for Spain.

Conditions for long-term (work) permits, best of the 28
The procedure is fast, flexible and not bogged down with insurance and integration tests. But regular workers must prove that their job in Ireland will pay at least €30,000. Green card holders must be paid at least €60,000, except for strategically important occupations. Conditions would improve if procedures were free of charge for all applicants, as is the case for spouses and dependents. 

Results by strand

Ireland - Overview
Ireland - Labour market access
Ireland - Family reunion
Ireland - Long-term residence
Ireland - Political participation
Ireland - Access to nationality
Ireland - Anti-discrimination
Ireland - Public perceptions
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