Italy - Anti-discrimination

If the law banned discrimination by association or on the basis of assumed characteristics, Italy would meet best practice on definitions and concepts. Like 9 other MIPEX countries, Italy already meets best practice on fields of application by punishing racial, ethnic, religious and nationality discrimination in many areas of life. These definitions and fields are favourably enforced, offering complainants access to various procedures, legal aid, and a wide range of possible sanctions. Yet accompanying equality policies do little to empower the National Office against Racial Discriminations or to compel the state to uphold equality in its own work. Italy's score would improve if the equality agency could assist victims of nationality and religious discrimination by leading investigations and engaging in proceedings. The state would need, for instance, to disseminate information, lead dialogue and introduce positive action measures.

Results by strand

Italy - Overview
Italy - Labour market access
Italy - Family reunion
Italy - Long-term residence
Italy - Political participation
Italy - Access to nationality
Italy - Anti-discrimination
Italy - Public perceptions
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