Italy - Public perceptions

Three out of four Italians believe that ethnic discrimination is widespread.Over half believe that discrimination has worsened and that foreigners are less likely than Italians to be accepted for a job, training, or a promotion. Nearly two in three supports positive action measures to address such issues, whilst only one in four knew that a law already existed punishing ethnic discrimination in the labour market. Half of the population, the highest proportion after Malta and Greece, believe that unemployed immigrants should be deported. Yet Italians express some of the highest support of the EU-25 for equal social rights for legally-resident third-country nationals (71.1%) and a similar proportion support their right
to family reunion.

See Eurobarometer 59.2 (2003) and "Special Eurobarometer survey on discrimination in the EU" 65.4 (2006)

Results by strand

Italy - Overview
Italy - Labour market access
Italy - Family reunion
Italy - Long-term residence
Italy - Political participation
Italy - Access to nationality
Italy - Anti-discrimination
Italy - Public perceptions
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