Sweden - Long-term residence

Migrants are eligible for long-term residence permits after five years' legal residence, towards which they count time studying but not awaiting a positive asylum decision. During those five years, they cannot leave Sweden for more than 10 non-consecutive or six consecutive months (which is allowed in AT, DK and UK). The conditions for long-term residence involve an expensive procedure to prove the applicant can pay for their household's living and housing costs. With a slightly favourable security (see box), long-term residents cannot be expelled if they are for example minors or born in Sweden. They enjoy equal rights as Swedes to employment, social security, social assistance, healthcare and housing. They can move and reside in other EU Member States, but cannot hold another long-term residence permit there.

Some of the best conditions for the acquisition and security of nationality
Although Sweden (with BE) offers its long-term residents the most secure status, improvements are needed to reach best practice. Permits are not automatically renewed and residents can be expelled if they are a threat to public order and safety, amongst other reasons. Since 2004, the transposition of the EC Directive on long-term residence has improved scores on two indicators. Residents can now leave Sweden to spend up to six continuous years in another EU Member State or one continuous year outside the EU. The state can no longer expel persons who are exercising this "right to abode". See Amendments to the Aliens Law (SFS 2006: 219) 

Results by strand

Sweden - Overview
Sweden - Labour market access
Sweden - Family reunion
Sweden - Long-term residence
Sweden - Access to nationality
Sweden - Political participation
Sweden - Anti-discrimination
Sweden - Public perceptions
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