Sweden - Anti-discrimination

Sweden, like FI, PT, and UK, meets best practice on definitions and concepts and fields of application. The law recognises victims of indirect and direct discrimination and harassment in the public and private sector based on race/ethnicity, religion/belief and nationality. These laws cover migrants at work, in training, in education, and as users of social security, public goods and services. Enforcement mechanisms would reach best practice if legal entities with a legitimate interest in promoting equality could bring forward cases without specific victims. In addition, antidiscrimination procedures in the Labour Court take on average a lengthy  eight months. Only Sweden and CA achieve best practice on equality policies (see box).

Better equality policies
Specialised equality agencies have mandates to assist victims through independent legal advice and investigations or by carrying out judicial and administrative proceedings on their behalf or in its own name. The state is also obliged to disseminate information, lead dialogue, introduce positive action measures and ensure legislation and public bodies respect non-discrimination. A 1 July 2006 regulation obliged parties who receive public contracts to respect non-discrimination. 

Results by strand

Sweden - Overview
Sweden - Labour market access
Sweden - Family reunion
Sweden - Long-term residence
Sweden - Access to nationality
Sweden - Political participation
Sweden - Anti-discrimination
Sweden - Public perceptions
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