Only long-term residents have a legal claim to family reunion; the rest can only bring together their family at the discretion of the authorities and under numerous conditions. For instance, if a migrant does not apply within his first year of residence, he is not eligible to sponsor his minor children over the age of 12, according to the new Aliens Law. If he waits five years, he loses that possibility for any minor children. Applicants must meet slightly unfavourable conditions, including a new compulsory integration condition or contract. Each canton determines its own level of difficulty, contents, standards and criteria for exemptions. Reunited relatives are partially secure in Switzerland; the government can expel them if they become dependent on welfare benefits, amongst other reasons. But in the case of a negative decision, the family has many legal guarantees and ways of appeal. Family members have equal rights as their sponsor to social security and assistance, but face additional conditions to access employment, education, and to attain autonomous residence permits.