Switzerland - Anti-discrimination

Switzerland lacks a dedicated anti-discrimination law. The definitions of anti-discrimination cover religion/belief and race/ethnicity but not nationality. Only a limited number of actors can be punished for discriminating, leaving many outside the law. Moreover, anti-discrimination laws do not apply in any of the fields of life measured by MIPEX, a critical weakness for Switzerland. Enforcement mechanisms score exactly halfway to best practice. They have access to various procedures and a wide range of possible penalties for guilty parties. Yet it is evident that complainants who bring forward a case are not protected from victimisation in the many fields of life. They also do not benefit from legal aid or shifts in the burden of proof. Equality policies keep the specialised equality agency out of the courtroom by limiting its powers to advising victims or investigating their cases.

Results by strand

Switzerland - Overview
Switzerland - Labour market access
Switzerland - Family reunion
Switzerland - Long-term residence
Switzerland - Political participation
Switzerland - Access to nationality
Switzerland - Anti-discrimination
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