
UK - Political participation

The UK scores 13th out of the EU-15: just before GR and AT. Electoral rights score halfway to best practice; the right for Commonwealth citizens to vote and stand for local, regional and national elections could be used as a benchmark for all UK residents born outside the Commonwealth. Like 21 other MIPEX countries, the UK has attained best practice on political liberties, allowing all migrants to join political parties and to form associations. Migrant associations can benefit from public funding and support, but only under special conditions. The state actively informs migrants about their rights in a variety of relevant languages. Nevertheless, migrants or their associations are not structurally consulted by government at any level.

Results by strand

UK - Access to nationality
UK - Anti-discrimination
UK - Family reunion
UK - Labour market access
UK - Long-term residence
UK - Overview
UK - Political participation
UK - Public perceptions
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