UK - Access to nationality

The UK's slightly favourable policies score fifth, after SE, PT, CA, BE, and are tied with IE. First-generation migrants are eligible for British citizenship after five years; spouses and civil partners of British citizens after just three. The UK-born children and grandchildren of migrants can become British citizens at birth, or register later depending on their parents' status. To naturalise, migrants are compelled to pass conditions including a standardised multiple-choice test on basic English language, the political system and civic rights. The test is based on a government provided study guide, though the 31.3% failure rate has been blamed on the guide's historical inaccuracies and obscure questions. The applicant's individual abilities are not taken into account. Applicants can be rejected for their criminal record, even if they have no prior convictions for serious or repeated offenses. Those who have naturalised can lose their citizenship for various reasons, including proven fraud in acquiring nationality or if they are considered an actual threat to public policy or national security (see box). The UK, along with BE, CA, FR, IE, and PT attains best practice on dual nationality.

Changes in grounds for withdrawing nationality
The UK's score on this indicator decreased with this additional, vaguer ground for withdrawing nationality; "if the Secretary of State is satisfied that deprivation is conducive to public good". The provision would only apply to dual nationals, since another legal provision in the UK explicitly prohibits withdrawals that would lead to statelessness. For more information, see Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006, Chapter 13, Appeal 56 Deprivation of Citizenship, (1),(2) 

Results by strand

UK - Access to nationality
UK - Anti-discrimination
UK - Family reunion
UK - Labour market access
UK - Long-term residence
UK - Overview
UK - Political participation
UK - Public perceptions
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