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First edition
The Migrant Integration Policy Index was first published in 2004 as the European Civic Citizenship and Inclusion Index. It was the first time that the policies of the EU-15 towards migrants had been presented in a concise, transparent and comparable format. The 2004 Index was positively received by target audiences - NGOs, governments, academics press and European Institutions such as the European Commission and European Parliament. It was launched in Brussels, Madrid and London.

The 2004 MIPEX was a collaboration of British Council, MPG (Migration Policy Group), Foreign Policy Centre and University of Sheffield. It was part-funded by the Barrow-Cadbury Charitable Trust and Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust. 

Second edition
In the Spring of 2005, the British Council together with MPG decided to enter a bid under the European Commission DG Freedom, Security and Justice INTI (integrating third country nationals) programme. British Council and Migration Policy Group gathered a group of Network Partners from various EU Member States to join the bid. In March 2006, the European Commission declared that the bid was successful. On 26 October 2006 the contract with the commission was signed.

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