MIPEX II examines policies in 28 countries:
25 EU Member States
MIPEX II was co-financed by the European Community under the INTI programme. MIPEX's application for funding was submitted and approved before the accession of Bulgaria and Romania in January 2007.
+ 3 non-EU countries
Canada, Norway and Switzerland are included in this edition of MIPEX - with the aim of encouraging greater exchange on integration policies beyond the EU's borders. The non-EU countries are measured with the same indicators, normative framework and terminology as the EU countries, even though they may not fall under all the same European - often EU - standards. With this comparable data, EU Member States can extend their search for best practice to neighbouring European countries and traditional countries of immigration. MIPEX also enables the EU to open the debate to third countries, who may share similar weaknesses, offer different solutions or provoke debate on why standards may differ outside the EU or across the Atlantic.