Czech Republic - Labour market access

Most migrants are only eligible for equal access as EU nationals to employment if they receive long-term residence permits after five years.Only highly-skilled migrant workers can take a job in most sectors after just 30 months. On the other hand, migrants are free to start a business, without even a viable business plan. Labour market integration measures to help migrants find work are critically weak (see box). Once in a job, they are partially secure in their employment. They can renew almost all work permits. With a long-term residence permit, migrants can stay in the Czech Republic even if they lose their job. The Czech Republic, like 14 other MIPEX countries, attained best practice on rights associated with employment.

Labour market integration measures critically weak
The state does not assist migrants to get their foreign skills and qualifications recognised in the Czech Republic or to improve their knowledge of Czech language. Since there are no state guidelines for assessments of foreign qualifications carried out by regional authorities and public universities, procedures can drag on and become expensive and unreasonable. The state does not have an explicit aim to reduce unemployment by improving the employability of migrant workers. Migrants who wish to improve their vocational skills or Czech language may be blocked by conditions limiting their access to education, training and study grants. For best practice see country profiles for the Netherlands and Sweden. 

Results by strand

Czech Republic - Overview
Czech Republic - Labour market access
Czech Republic - Family reunion
Czech Republic - Political participation
Czech Republic - Long-term residence
Czech Republic - Access to nationality
Czech Republic - Anti-discrimination
Czech Republic - Public perceptions
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