Czech Republic - Anti-discrimination

The Czech Republic would reach best practice on definitions and concepts if the law punished discrimination by association and based on assumed characteristics of race/ethnicity, religion, and nationality. Yet the law does not protect victims from discrimination in fields such as access to housing, health, social protection and social advantages. In education, only EU nationals are protected from discrimination. It is illegal to discriminate against any resident on race/ethnicity, religion, and nationality in employment and vocational training. Only victims of discrimination at work or in training have access to enforcement measures such as legal procedures, protection from victimisation and sanctions to punish the perpetrator. Equality policies are critically weak (see box).

Equality policies critically weak
The Czech Republic is the only MIPEX country to receive a perfect 0% score on equality policies. Victims of discrimination receive little legal advice, assistance in investigating their case or support in court, because the Czech Republic has not yet established a specialised equality agency. The anti-discrimination bill, rejected in May 2006, would have extended the competencies of the Czech Ombudsman to include discrimination and equal opportunities. In June 2007, a similar bill was introduced to place these competences under the Office of the Ombudsman. Under current laws, the state does not have to mainstream equality principles in its functions, lead dialogue on anti-discrimination or inform the public about their rights as victims of discrimination. For best practice, see country profiles for Canada and Sweden.

Results by strand

Czech Republic - Overview
Czech Republic - Labour market access
Czech Republic - Family reunion
Czech Republic - Political participation
Czech Republic - Long-term residence
Czech Republic - Access to nationality
Czech Republic - Anti-discrimination
Czech Republic - Public perceptions
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