Poland - Long-term residence

Migrants are eligible for long-term residence permits after five years, which can include time spent in Poland as an asylum seeker and half the time spent in Poland as a student. Poland scores second best to Italy and tied with CA, MT, and NL. Applicants are not compelled to pass an integration test, but they do have to prove a high economic resources condition. Long-term residents have partial security in their status which scores 2nd, after BE and SE. The state must consider residents' personal circumstances before deciding to expel them. Long-term residence permit holders enjoy equal rights as Poles to access employment, social security, healthcare and housing. This score would improve if they were also allowed to travel, live and hold long-term residence permits in other EU Member States.

Results by strand

Poland - Overview
Poland - Labour market access
Poland - Family reunion
Poland - Long-term residence
Poland - Political participation
Poland - Access to nationality
Poland - Anti-discrimination
Poland - Public perceptions
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