Two out of three Poles believe that diversity is an enrichment, although notably one in ten said they did not know. One third of Poles believed ethnic discrimination was widespread in 2006 and just 22.3% believed it had worsened since 2001. 37.4% think a foreigner is less likely than a Pole to be accepted for a job, training opportunity or promotion. 68.3% believe that Poland should do more to combat discrimination. Less than a quarter knew that a law punished ethnic discrimination in the labour market. 69.3% of Poles support equal social rights for legally-established non-EU immigrants, in line with the trend across Central and Eastern Europe. Poles were the least supportive in the EU-27 of deporting all immigrants, although 26.7% agree that unemployed migrants should be deported. 70.3% of Poles support a migrant's right to family reunion and a majority of Poles also believe that a migrant should be able to become a Polish citizen easily.
See Eurobarometer 59.2 (2003) and "Special Eurobarometer survey on discrimination in the EU" 65.4 (2006)