Poland - Access to nationality

Migrants are eligible to become Polish citizens under the second least favourable provisions after MT and tied with HU and LV. They must live in Poland for at least five years as a permanent resident, which means waiting at least ten years before becoming eligible for Polish nationality. Even their Polish-born children and grandchildren must meet various requirements to become citizens of their country of birth. Poland's conditions for acquisition would improve if applicants did not have to prove a minimum income or pass a high criminal record check. The state can refuse to grant someone nationality without being obliged to consider their personal circumstances or offer them legal  guarantees or opportunities to appeal the decision. Successful applicants, however, can never have their citizenship withdrawn. The state can, at the discretion of the President, require a naturalising applicant to give up their original nationality for whatever reason.

Results by strand

Poland - Overview
Poland - Labour market access
Poland - Family reunion
Poland - Long-term residence
Poland - Political participation
Poland - Access to nationality
Poland - Anti-discrimination
Poland - Public perceptions
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