Canada - Labour market access

Migrant residents have equal access to employment and self-employment as Canadian nationals. Migrants are helped to get their skills recognised or improved by labour market integration measures that receive the same score as FI and NO. Guidelines are set for fair, timely and affordable procedures, whilst the new Foreign Credentials Referral Office helps inform migrants of these procedures and professional conversion courses. Migrants can improve their employability through the "Enhanced Language Training" programme, vocational training, and profession-based language courses offered by the federal and provincial governments. Nevertheless, migrants do not have equal access as Canadian nationals to education and vocational training. Once they find work, migrants are partially secure in their employment and enjoy workers' rights which meet best practice, as in 14 other MIPEX countries.

Results by strand

Canada - Overview
Canada - Labour market access
Canada - Family reunion
Canada - Long-term residence
Canada - Political participation
Canada - Access to nationality
Canada - Anti-discrimination
Canada - Public perceptions
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