Canada - Public perceptions

82% of Canadians believe that Canada's multicultural makeup is one of the best things about their country. Only 9% believed that Canada would be a lot better off if all immigrants were sent back to their country of origin. One in three Canadians polled (31%) felt angry when recent immigrants demanded the same rights as Canadian citizens. A slight majority think that discrimination against visible minorities is a problem in Canada. 72% of Canadians thought the immigration system should give high priority to bringing together nuclear families. Yet just 44.2% thought that high priority should also be given to reuniting extended family, like grandparents.

See Ipsos polls 2007 and November 2006

Results by strand

Canada - Overview
Canada - Labour market access
Canada - Family reunion
Canada - Long-term residence
Canada - Political participation
Canada - Access to nationality
Canada - Anti-discrimination
Canada - Public perceptions
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