Canada - Anti-discrimination

Canada's anti-discrimination framework ranks third after PT and SE. It would attain best practice on definitions and concepts if the law forbade religious- and racially-motivated public insults. Canada reaches best practice on fields of application like 9 other MIPEX countries. The law protects victims from racial, ethnic, religious or nationality discrimination in employment, education, social protection, health, housing and otherareas. Although enforcement mechanisms protect complainants from victimisation and provide a wide range of sanctions, NGOs (specifically, legal entities with a legitimate interest in promoting equality) cannot bring forward a case without a specific victim, even for cases of systemic discrimination. Canada and SE are the only MIPEX country where equality policies have achieved best practice (see box).

Best practice on equality policies
Victims of ethnic, religious or nationality discrimination can depend on a specialised equality agency for legal advice and independent investigations. The agency can take cases to court on behalf of a victim or in its own name. The state ensures that public bodies respect nondiscrimination and promote equality. For instance, ‘employment equity' measures were introduced in an attempt to tackle the under representation of women and visible minorities in the public service by redressing inequities through recruitment and hiring.

Results by strand

Canada - Overview
Canada - Labour market access
Canada - Family reunion
Canada - Long-term residence
Canada - Political participation
Canada - Access to nationality
Canada - Anti-discrimination
Canada - Public perceptions
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