The Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation is a German non-profit, private, cultural organisation. It is committed to the ideas and basic values of social democracy. The Foundation was founded in 1925 as a political legacy of Germany's first democratically elected president, Friedrich Ebert.
The Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation is active internationally as well as in Germany. In Germany, the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation is dedicated to political and societal education as well as scientific research. Internationally, the idea of international understanding, the advancement of European integration and development cooperation are the main areas of its engagement. Questions of societal and social development and the strengthening of international cooperation are at the heart of its activities. Gender aspects are taken into consideration in all activities of the Foundation.
To achieve these goals, the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation works closely with political institutions, civil society - in particular with trade unions and the media - as well as international organisations. Important instruments to realize its objectives are political consulting (through seminars, conferences, advanced training and working groups etc), measures targeting the broader public (public events, compilation and dissemination of information material) as well as the support for publications of scientific studies and research.