The Institute for Multicultural Development FORUM is the largest non-governmental actor in the field of integration policy in the Netherlands. The institute focuses on developments and issues relating to the Dutch multicultural society in general, and to the integration of (ethnic) minorities in particular. FORUM is a national centre of expertise that stands for a society in which people from various communities live together as fully recognised citizens. Our work field is divided into six programmes:
Youth and Safety (The prevention of youth crime, exclusion of ethnic minority youth and tensions between ethnic groups.)
Religion and Identity (The position of religion in a democratic state, enhancing competences of Muslim youth for critical reflection and to resist radicalisation, Muslims and citizenship.
Social cohesion (Social processes in city neighbourhoods undergoing restructuring, community development, segregation, social housing, new strategies of integration policies related to urban planning policies of national and local government.)
Education, Labour Market and Social Support (School segregation, participation of (migrant) parents at their children's school, unemployment of young migrants, integration and participation in social and medical institutions, especially elderly migrants and migrants who need medical care.)
Immigration and Legal Citizenship (Supporting and advising legal aid workers on migration and integration law, (inter)national jurisprudence on aliens law.
Service centre local integration policy (Assists local councils and policy makers on developing and implementing integration policies.)